Business Loan Application

Business Loan Form

Business Contact Information

Business Contact Information

* = required field

Company Information

Ownership Information
Loan Request Information

IMPORTANT APPLICANT INFORMATION: Federal law requires financial institutions to obtain sufficient information to verify your identity. You may be asked several questions and to provide one or more forms of identification to fulfill this requirement. In some instances we may use outside sources to confirm the information. The information you provide is protected by our privacy policy and federal law.

Additional Loan Request Information

We must have the following documents before a loan application can be considered.

  • Copies of the company's financial statement and tax returns for the last 3 years.
  • A copy of the company's most recent interim financial statement for the current year.
  • A copy of a personal financial statement for each owner listed above.

Equal Credit Opportunity Notice

Were your gross revenues $1,000,000 or less in your previous fiscal year?

If you answered "yes" and the Creditor denies your application for credit, you have the right to a written statement of the reason for the denial. To obtain the statement, please contact:

Farmers State Bank of Waupaca
112 W Fulton Street
Waupaca, WI 54981

Within 60 days of the date you are notified of the Creditor's decision. The Creditor will send you a written statement of the reasons for the denial within 30 days of receiving your request for the statement. The notice below describes additional protections extended to you.

Notice: The Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided that applicant has the capacity to enter into a contract); because all of or a part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that administers compliance with this law concerning this creditor is:

Federal Reserve Consumer Help Center
PO Box 1200
Minneapolis, MN 55480

I certify that everything I have stated in this application and on any attachments is correct. Lender may keep this application whether or not it is approved. By signing below I authorize Lender to check my credit and employment history and to answer questions others may ask Lender about my credit record with Lender. I understand that I must update credit information at Lender’s request if my financial condition changes.

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